The Democratic Party is about to blow 2018 (because 2016 wasn’t bad enough).
Guess what? While POTUS isn’t actually gaining support, but he might as well be because the party that managed to lose the war on:
Union busting (Right to Work Legislation)
Voter Suppression
Public Schools
and, of course, the 2016 Presidential Election (where they won the popular vote but lost three firewall states).
Is also about to do something almost unprecedented in recent American politics, get their butts kicked in a mid-term election despite being gifted a truly unpopular President from the opposite party.
Don’t believe me? Read this:
I probably should mention that the Democratic party managed to lose all those battles despite being on the right side of every single one of the issues. They got outfoxed in messaging and strategy every single time despite being on the side of right.
If the GOP dominates the mid-term elections, Donald J. Trump, despite his unpopularity, will be able to claim that he has won a real mandate and probably will have a functional (if not veto-proof) majority in both houses of Congress.
There will be little to nothing that the opposition will be able to do to stop the never ending wave of bad ideas coming from the White House.
If you think the last 200 days have been bad, folks you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Why Is the DNC Always Behind the Eight-Ball?
I wish I had a good answer to this question, but they have been consistently outfoxed on every possible front and despite a massive groundswell of support and energy has continued to lose ground in all the critical states in the middle of the country.
Gerrymandering makes it nearly impossible to for Democrats to gain ground but according to that five-thirty eight article, we are losing ground even beyond gerrymandering.
Democratic leadership needs to buy a strategy, get out of their offices, and get a meaningful ground game going in every state not called New York and California and it better start happening soon.
I do know this, if we don’t heal the Progressive/Democratic infighting and get our acts together, things are going to get much worse very soon.
And that’s before we even have to deal with the next evil plan by GOP minions to destroy Democracy
Let’s face it, one side is playing for keeps while the other just seems to be happy to be playing, and losing, this game of thrones.
My suggestion, start Tweeting the DNC and it’s leaders and asking what their plans are for the mid-terms until the answers start making sense. That is what I am going to do.
Josh is a 100% reader-funded blogger. Please consider following him on Twitter, throwing some money into his hat on Patreon, or adding his blog OnPirateSatellite to your feeds.