The New Mr. Robot Trailer ARG

Josh H
3 min readAug 4, 2017


If you like cracking codes, or just want the solution, this could be for you

Bobby C. and his Magical Coded Tie

Yesterday, I wrote about the new Mr. Robot Season 3 Mr. Robot ‘Teaser Trailer’ and commented on a bunch of new ads for Mr. Robot Original Funko toys that were created by people attached to the show (not working for Funko).

So, today, the @whoismrrobot folks released two sets of messages which together probably lead to the actual premiere date and the full trailer for Season 3. Do not continue if you want to figure this out for yourself, most of this information was being shared among a ton of us in real time on Reddit which is where I got most of the solutions (I am not a good codebreaker).

First, earlier today, Mr. Robot’s Twitter posted this (it was also posted on Instagram):

And if you click on the link it will take you to another version of the picture. If you click on the tie, you will notice the tie has a pattern that can be broken up into Morse Code. Once you digest the Morse Code message (which resolves to a bitly url) it will take you to another website (for Red Wheelbarrow BBQ).

That website tells you:

Seek the bird of the mountain to find the path

Follow the rhythm and do the math

Collect one among many in each

And soon your reward will be within reach

So, it turns out, it was suggesting to be at Twitter at 1 pm to get the rest of the message (the bird of the mountain was apparently Twitter’s mascot). At 1 pm the Mr. Robot Twitter feed deployed, in unique fashion, the lyrics to a song by the late-great Leonard Cohen, here are the uniquely formatted lyrics to that song (in the order it was posted tweet by tweet):

D3Mocr4cy is coming 2 the

The races m33t from the hom1cid4l bitchin’ th4t goes down

Through the Squall5 of Hate

he4rt of Chevr01et

1'm junk but I’m 5ti11 holding up

8ut 1'm stubborn As those garBage Bags

of th3 Sermon on tH3 M0unt1

h4t th1s a1n’t 3xaCtly re4l, 0r 1t’s real but 1t a1N’t exactly

It’s cominG from th3 f3eL

O m1ghty Ship 0f 5tate!

I’M 5ent1menta1, if y0u knOw wh4t 1 mean I

th4t goeZ down 1N every kitCh3n

from the 8rave, the b0ld, the bAttered

th4t the h3art Has got 2 op3n in a fundam3ntAl Way

the gracE Of God in the dEs3rt h3r3

AmeRica f1rst, th3 cr4Dle

W3'1l be go1ng d0wn

Am3n 1t’s coming like the tidal flOOd ben34th the lunar 5way

“Democracy” by Leonard Cohen

Here is the song:

Anyway, when you resolve that code, as Ivan Vieira Manhães Lopes did, you get the full trailer for Season 3 which is awesome (again don’t click if you want to figure it out for yourself). The ominous spoken word of the Cohen song is amazing. I figured the narration was someone else doing spoken word of Cohen but nope it was Cohen himself. How do I know this (Because a person in the know told me).

Okay, I found a spoken word version on YouTube:

As predicted, the trailer includes the premiere date which is 10/11/2017. Which also means that my recap, “Who Is Mr. Robot’s Landlord?” Will start back up on 10/12/2017.

Hope you enjoyed that journey, have to love how Mr. Robot makes every detail into an adventure.

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Josh is 100% reader-funded blogger. Please consider following him on Twitter, throwing some money into his hat on Patreon, or adding his blog OnPirateSatellite to your feeds.



Josh H
Josh H

Written by Josh H

Author, Criminal Justice Reform Advocate, Co-Host of the "Decarceration Nation" Podcast, Television critic and Movie Reviewer,

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