- Not even sure what you are asking, lots of people have issues trading with America.
- The State Department is in charge of diplomacy and many other elements of our soft power, even Generals generally concede that we should always use military means ONLY as a last resort and that diplomacy should always come first.
- POTUS has IMHO little respect for the “Rule of Law.” In fact, he routinely conflates “Rule of Law” with “Law and Order.” Rule of law is the unique function of the American system of Constitutionalism through which laws constrain both the citizens AND the Government. Rule of Law does not mean “bow down before Presidents and Law Enforcement officers. It means Presidents and Law Enforcement officers answer to the laws just like normal citizens do.
All of this is meant with respect, I don’t disrespect disagreements and I always call the President the President. However, I have a right to disagree with him and his policies.