I think you are clearly missing my point (or didn’t read my argument correctly) which is why I included hyperlinks to everything that I have written on this subject.
Bran isn’t time traveling, he is greenseeing (treeflix) while warging present day Hodor who is also present in the VR replay as Willis. He doesn’t wag Willis (even though he appears to be in the past with Willis) he wargs Hodor. Because Willis is Hodor, in essence Bran (for these few moments) is present in Willis because he controls Hodor creating the break in Willis’ mind. Hence, changing Willis into Hodor forever.
Your statement:
“its safe to assume that Bran was the cause of Willis breakdown and thus his transition into Hordor. Though the entire time Bran has known Hordor, he has been Hordor as we know him.”
Is exactly my point, Bran himself cannot time-travel, but if he wargs someone in the present and confronts them in the past, he can change future events (as I have been saying for two years now).
Hope that makes sense.