“Ask the Maester” is the main reason I loved Grantland’s GoT coverage in the first place and why I kept following the other GoT folks from the jump. I loved the Grantland version of the ‘After the Thrones’ podcast but once HBO started financing it they ended all criticism and it became a show solely about explaining events (zzzzzzz). I don’t really like either of the hosts but do appreciate Mallory Rubin’s jokes and Jason C’s depth of knowledge.
I only mentioned the wildfire idea because it seemed possible (if not probable) and I suspect Qyburn will have an innovation whenever the final throw down happens. A few really good archers is still probably your best bet.
I think I mentioned that Tyrion scene? It was a good one, sad it is really the only one that acknowledges that part of his arc. Oh well, I am probably complaining too much lately, still a fun show.
Thanks, as always, for the great conversation!